











尊敬的教授们, 尊敬的来宾们,亲爱的毕业生们,早上好! 非常荣幸能够代表2020届毕业生发言。同时,我深知我无法代表各位毕业生的多样性和独特性。首先,请允许我向各位毕业生表示热烈的祝贺:毕业快乐!












同学们,过去四年的青春里认识了你们,是我最大的幸运。那些独属于我们的 “Play Hard, Study Harder” 的岁月里,我从大家身上学会了年轻的勇气与执着、学会了对社会的担当与责任、学会了立足世界找寻自我的意义。它们早已成为了港中大深圳学子的烙印。




Dear professors, dear teachers, fellow graduates,

Good morning!


It is a privilege to speak on behalf of my fellow graduates. All the while, I’m fully aware that the great diversity and uniqueness of this graduate cohort can hardly be represented. First and foremost, allow me to offer you a resounding congratulations, Class of 2020!

Looking around at this beautiful campus, I’m so glad that we have finally reunited after the long isolation. Let me start by asking you a question, imaging that you step into your time machine and travel back in time about 1370 days ago, to the day when we first stepped into CUHK-Shenzhen. For most of our professors here, I guess, it was just a fairly regular day. But for the rest of us – my classmates and our families – it was really a big day. I still remember how our parents helped us move into our dorms, where we greeted our roommates for the first time. I also recall our first-week orientation, our first “honeymoon” month with calculus, then came our first final exam… And finally, we are today standing at the finishing line of this four-year adventure.

【Growing Up and Change】

Over the past four years, we have witnessed the progress of one another, together with the development of our university and the city of Shenzhen at large. This year marks the 40th anniversary since Shenzhen was established as China’s very first special economic zone. The spirit of innovation flows in the veins of Shenzhen. Our university, while embracing the same spirit, shapes our mind with extra openness, tolerance and abundant support.

“Growing-up” characterizes our past four years. Three years ago, I chose statistics as my major. Back then, I didn’t know what it meant to do a PhD, let alone how frontier studies in this area are breaking new grounds. But today I have a different story to tell. The guidance, training, and learning that I have received at this university, in its classrooms and beyond, has transformed me into a better informed, more resilient, a different person. While determined to pursue my PhD studies in the future, I owe a huge thanks to our wonderful professors and excellent peers who have given me the very support I needed.

Although my own path of adventure is unique to me, the experience of growing, changing, and expanding our vision is shared by many CUHK-Shenzheners. We have enjoyed many opportunities to learn, resources to use, and the privilege of raising questions and seeking answers to them. Our university has given us the maximum freedom to pursue our interest in academics as much as in extracurricular life. World’s leading scholars treat us as friends, acting as our role models, helping us fulfill our youthful dreams.

To me and many like me, CUHK-Shenzhen helps us uncover who we truly are and encourages us to realize our utmost potentials.


【College life: Joys and Challenges】

CUHK-Shenzhen is much more than just a place to gain skills and knowledge. It is also our sweet home that fills us with the sense of belonging. High-table dinner with friends, weekly coffee chat with teachers, and lunchtime with professors at Pandora… Our university life is filled with joyful moments.

However, at CUHK-Shenzhen, joys and challenges come hand in hand. As graduates, we know too well life here is not always easy. But without the challenges and struggles, we would never have become who we are today. Without those tough courses, we wouldn’t have had those crazy all-nighters to nostalgically look back on. Without getting rejections from top conferences, schools or job offers, we wouldn’t have polished our works to our personal best, neither would we have realized that the dream offer which we once deemed ideal doesn’t prove to be our best fit. Without Covid-19, we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to take our graduation photos with families in our own hometowns.

Every challenge we overcame added to our stories, giving our life more facets to shine.


We’ve all had our fun, our joys, our challenges and hard times, but all of these would not have become possible without the love and support of many people. Allow me, on behalf of the Class of 2020, to express our heart-felt thankfulness to the entire CUHK-Shenzhen community, the faculties, our friends and families.

[1] Dear professors and teachers, thank you for your kind instruction and guidance. You have helped us in more ways than we can count.

[2] I would also like to take this chance to thank my mom and dad for supporting me all along, for giving me the freedom to chase my dream with courage.

[3] To the Class of 2020, the intelligent, explorative, and resilient young men and women, we have grown up together so quickly over the past four years, and we will go our separate ways after this day. Some going to graduate schools, some venturing into the industry, some sailing into the world of art, music, and literature. Wherever we go, we will always have each other. In the long years to come, we might not be able to meet some of our class again, but the love and memories we have co-created will stay with us forever.

Dear graduates, it has been my greatest blessing to have known you during the last four years of my youth. Throughout the years of "Play Hard and Study Harder", I learned from you all the courage and perseverance of youth, the responsibility to society, and the significance of finding a true self in the world. All of these have long been an indelible attribute of CUHK-Shenzheners.

Before setting sail, let's not forget what President Xu said to us: "A flame we ignite when we are together, a starry sky we create when we separate." Wherever we go, we should always carry on the fine tradition of the alma mater and strive to advance in our journey of growing up. It is high time we became global citizens with an international outlook, and patriotic youths who speak out for China on the world stage.

I’m so proud of us! Class of 2020! Wish all of us the brightest future.

Linning Xu delivers a keynote speech







